Many people do not realise that the only way to create Regular Trading Hours Data, RTH data, or even Irregular Trading Hours Data, ITH Data, is to do so using an intraday database. Think about it! How else can you fix the opening price or the closing price (with the high and low inbetween)? The only way is by allowing a user, i.e. you to be in control of dynamic sessions across the entire length of the data stream. So, if you want to mimic the old pit hour contracts across a 24h market back to that market’s inception date you simply set the opening and closing times and Portara will produce the ASCII/CSV/TXT files to suit. It will even create the futures .info file on the fly, every time, so you are not wading through incompatible metadata. Not bad! So, consider carefully, Portara as a robust solution for your Historical Intraday Data for Trading Blox.