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Historical Intraday Data for Trading Blox Users

Welcome to Portara Blox

Portara is a CQG product that provides Historical Intraday & Daily Data for Trading Blox Users

What Is Portara Blox?

The supplier of historical 1 Minute Data (for making RTH Daily & Intraday Bars) for Trading Blox Users

Trading Blox data does not have to be limited to legacy daily data any more. 24h markets using legacy daily data can have a serious impact on your testing and trading results. Portara with CQG Datafactory provides Historical Intraday Data for Trading Blox users through an INTRADAY database. This way you can create continuous back-adjusted INTRADAY and RTH DAILY data in Trading Blox Format which is guaranteed to Just Work! Futures & Forex Data from 238 Global Exchanges back to 1965. Includes fast timely updates via zones (with NO exchange fees!)

Under The Hood

90 Second Demo of All Main Features

Watch how Portara Creates Back Adjusted Daily And Intraday Data

Keep hold! – for a 90 second ride through Portara’s main features. Do you need to alter the volatility of your data sets, randomise the opens and closes for statistical robustness testing? Then watch this video…

Historical Intraday Data for Trading Blox Users

What is RTH Data?

Regular Trading Hours Data - Testing Without Limitations...

Video: Join Arthur Maddock the CEO of Portara while he explains RTH Intraday & Daily Data construction. Historical Intraday Data for Trading Blox users is explained in depth and the risks surrounding the usage of legacy daily data.

Out Of The Box!

See how to set Blox templates and run off ASCII/CSV compatible data.

Create customised RTH Daily data by controlling where you want your OHLC to be!

RTH Trading Blox Data – Key Features & Benefits

Key Features...

Customisable Session Times

Set flexible session times over the whole historical extraction for your Trading Blox data

Example: If you want 0720-1400 OHLC (Regular Trading Hours) daily bars for BPA you’ve got it!

You might want to test just the night session say from 1700-0600 you can do that too!

Roll Manager

Use the Roll Manager to choose professional Roll Parameters. Roll STIRs forward of the nearest future. Roll deferred series. Roll via calendar dates, intraday volume, daily volume and open interest, days from expiry, customised read-ins from Excel spreadsheet. Roll from Pit to Electronic. See all mathematical adjustments in audit files.

Compression Manager

Compress your data to Trading Blox data format. You can include the unadjusted close. Set the Trading Blox data template. Run ‘RTH Daily’ or run intraday compressions, 1 min, 5 min, 10 min hourly etc. from 1969 – Present, data can be either continuous or individual ASCII/CSV/TXT formats.

Updates from 1/2 hr after markets settle.

No waiting around to place orders. Portara updates by Zone.

Zone 1: Pacific Rim – Available from 0530CST/1130GMT

Zone 2: Early Europe – Available from 1330CST/1930GMT

Zone 3: Early US – Available from 1630CST/2230GMT

Zone 4: All Zones – All Sessions Remainder – Available from 1745CST/2345GMT

Customised Timezones

You may have timestamps based on CQG US Central Time, or Exchange Time (the default) or on Local Time if you specify your preferred timezone.

Note: DST is handled correctly EVEN for overseas DST which differ by dates for a few weeks twice per year.  Also, Australian southern hemisphere instruments are handled correctly too!

Key Benefits...

Increase Your Risk Adjusted Returns

Testing with Portara and CQG Data may vary a system’s performance by +-20% or more. If you consider that the legacy opens (25%) of the data, are invariably incorrect for many trading systems, you should intuitively see why.

Reduce Your Risk

How will your system behave by testing for entry and exit rules in the night session? How will your stops behave? Is it best to trade with stops in the twee hours or skip them completely? How relevant is my night session models? This is all testable with Portara.

Professional Data Stress Testing Saves Money - Creates Assurances

95-98% of boilerplate system testing is looking for entry and exit rules, applying moneymanagement overlays and some parameter modeling and filter applications. Apart from diversification considerations that is usually it. Consider a better approach and stress test your Trading Blox data. A volatility off open system may perform better by following the liquidity as to where traders determine the open to be, not the exchanges. Don’t fall victim to that issue! A more professional and practical solution is to spend 50% of the stress test looking at Portara CQG data and its variants and the other 50% in Blox looking at the system rules.

No Excessive Waiting for Updates

Updates are available within a very respectable time-frame after markets settle, from 1/2 hr.

Orders are more timely to market with less time wastage and increases in trading efficiency.

CQG Data Factory with a Front End!

That should speak for itself. Using Portara you have the power of CQG Data Factory at your fingertips to create intraday and ‘RTH Daily’ Trading Blox data.

One button press professional solution, no messing, no programmers needed, and no hassle!!


HFM Awards 2015


Portara wins an award at the HFM Awards November 2015. Also Portara was voted with the highest commendation for ‘Best Data Provider’.

HFM Awards 2016

Highly Commended!

Portara wins a highly commended award at the European HFM Awards November 2016. Portara was ‘highly commended in the ‘Best Data Provider’ class.

HFM Awards 2018


Portara wins the BEST MARKET DATA PROVIDER AWARD at the HFM European Technology Awards 2018. The shortlisted applicants for this award were Thompson Reuters | Quanthouse | Options and Portara!class.
Winner - HFM European Technology Awards 2018

HFM Awards 2019


Now, Portara wins the BEST ALTERNATIVE MARKET DATA PROVIDER AWARD at the HFM European Technology Awards 2019.

Where Has the Open Gone?

Has 24h trading destroyed the significance of the open? Read the article written by Arthur Maddock in CTA Intelligence magazine.


Product Details

Data Compatibility Guarantee

Trading Blox All Versions 100%
Portara - CQG-Trading Blox Approved 100%
ASCII-CSV Compatible 100%

Videos Screenshots & More...

Look at Portara's main site for Prices, Contact info, CQG Webinars, Educational Information and most important a FULL LOOK AT THE PRODUCT & DATABASES!!

Tailored Pricing

Thinking of onboarding and need a Quote?

Speak to Portara about your needs & requirements.

Why an INTRADAY Database?

Many people do not realise that the only way to create Regular Trading Hours Data, RTH data, or even Irregular Trading Hours Data, ITH Data, is to do so using an intraday database.  Think about it! How else can you fix the opening price or the closing price (with the high and low inbetween)? The only way is by allowing a user, i.e. you to be in control of dynamic sessions across the entire length of the data stream.  So, if you want to mimic the old pit hour contracts across a 24h market back to that market’s inception date you simply set the opening and closing times and Portara will produce the ASCII/CSV/TXT files to suit. It will even create the futures .info file on the fly, every time, so you are not wading through incompatible metadata.  Not bad! So, consider carefully, Portara as a robust solution for your Historical Intraday Data for Trading Blox.

Contact Portara